Conference: Kings and Queens 13 “Gift Giving and Communication Networks”

Monday May 27-Tuesday May 28, hosted by The American University of Paris

Kings & Queens 13 will be held from May 27 to 29, 2024, with the first two days reserved for the conference opening and scholarly proceedings to take place at The American University of Paris. ​The Organizing Committee is currently working on a third day of the conference to be held at an appropriate Loire Valley venue, where the proceedings will include a focus on the short-lived life of Queen Claude de France, within the broader context of women at and around Loire Valley courts.

The general conference theme is “Gift Giving and Communication Networks” and K&Q13 will explore communication networks within, without, and between courts, giving particular emphasis to gift giving and gift exchange as a theoretical tool for friendship, social cohesion and peace, yet simultaneously as a potential source of contention.

Further information, including specific details about venues, will be provided when the call for papers is launched at the end of the summer. Be sure to check back for all the details.

All queries should be directed to Professor Emerita Kathleen Wilson-Chevalier at The American University of Paris via

Download the full conference Program


Event Details


May 27, 2024



Combes Student Life Center at The American University of Paris


Dr Cindy McCreery
Department of History, A18 Brennan MacCallum Building, University of Sydney