Global perspective on how monarchy shapes modern history
Our research network brings together researchers from universities, museums, galleries and heritage sites interested in the history of modern monarchy and its global impact.
On this page you will find a profile for each of our members, in their own words.
Professor Robert Aldrich FAHA, FASSA, FRHistS, ChevOPalmesAcad
Email address: Robert.aldrich@sydney.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: The University of Sydney Bio: Robert Aldrich is Professor Emeritus in the Department of History at the University of Sydney, where he taught as Professor of European History until 2021. He has written widely on modern colonial history – the French overseas empire, colonial monuments and memory, sexuality and empire, the remaining …
Read MoreDr Lionel Babicz
Email: lionel.babicz@sydney.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: The University of Sydney Bio: Lionel Babicz is teaching Japanese Studies and Asian studies at the University of Sydney since 2008. He has completed his PhD in Japanese history in Paris – at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales. He also has a degree in Arabic and Islamic studies. …
Read MoreDr Bruce Baskerville FFAHS
Email: bruce.baskerville@uwa.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: University of Western Australia Bio: Bruce’s doctoral thesis (University of Sydney, 2017), titled The Chrysalid Crown, was a study over the longue durée of the Crown in Australia as a cultural institution and emotional focus between 1808 and 1986. Bruce’s research interests lie in how old institutions are transported, adapted, re-formed, re-imagined, transplanted and …
Read MoreSusanne Bauer
Email address: bauers@uni-trier.de Institutional Affiliation: University of Trier, Germany Bio (max 100 words): Susanne studied History and Cultural Studies at Saarland University (Germany) and Sorbonne University (France). Currently, she is a research assistant at the University of Trier (Germany). In her PhD thesis she analyses the transnational correspondence network of German Empress Augusta (1811–1890) both quantitatively and …
Read MoreDr John Breen PhD
Email address: Jb8nichibun@gmail.com Institutional Affiliation: Professor emeritus, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan Bio: John Breen is professor emeritus at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto, Japan. He earned his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Cambridge, and then taught Japanese at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University …
Read MoreDr Donna Maree Brunero, BA(Hons), PhD
Email address: dbrunero@nus.edu.sg Institutional Affiliation: Senior Lecturer, Department of History, National University of Singapore Bio: Donna Brunero is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History at the National University of Singapore. Her research and teaching interests include maritime history and the British empire in Asia and the intersections between these two areas (such as colonial port …
Read MoreDr Laura Clancy
Email: l.clancy2@lancaster.ac.uk Institutional Affiliation: Lancaster University, UK Bio: Laura Clancy is a Lecturer in Media at Lancaster University, UK. She has research interests in class inequality, media representations, ‘the elites’, and power. Her book, Running the Family Firm: how the monarchy manages its image and our money, was shortlisted for the British Sociological Association Philip Abrams Memorial Prize. The …
Read MoreDr Susan Conway, BA, MA, PhD, FRGS, FRSA
Email address: s.conway@associate.ids.ac.uk Institutional Affiliation: Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex UK Bio: Major Interests: Northern Thai and Shan material culture. Author of books and papers on culture and royalty in Lan Na (north Thailand) and Shan State up to the dissolution of the regional courts. Professor, New School University, New York (Southeast Asian Studies), Lecturer …
Read MoreIsabel Corrêa da Silva
Email address: isabelcorreadasilva@ics.ulisboa.pt Institutional Affiliation: Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon Bio: Isabel Corrêa da Silva is a research fellow at ICS, University of Lisbon, and a lecturer at the Master of Brazilian Studies (ICS, UL) and at the History Doctorate Program PIUDHist, in which Directory Board she also belongs. Her area of research is political …
Read MoreDr Eleanor Cowan
Email: eleanor.cowan@sydney.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: The University of Sydney Bio: I am an historian of the Roman Republic and the Early (Roman) Imperial period. I have a particular research focus on communities in conflict, conflict and post-conflict constitutional change and in constructions and reconstructions of imperial power. I make regular use of texts, epigraphic and numismatic …
Read MoreDr Robert Cowan
bob.cowan@sydney.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: The University of Sydney Bio: Robert Cowan is Senior Lecturer in Classics at The University of Sydney, having held temporary posts at the Universities of Exeter and Bristol and Brasenose College, Oxford, and a Tutorial Fellowship at Balliol College, Oxford. My main teaching and research interests are in Latin poetry, though I …
Read MoreDr Bayu Dardias Kurniadi
Email address: bayudardias@ugm.ac.id Institutional Affiliation: Universitas Gadjah Mada Bio: I concentrate on the political economy of the Indonesian aristocracies. As a country with more than 17.000 islands, Indonesia’s aristocracy is fragmented with low level of institutionalisation. From hundreds of aristocracies in the 1950s, currently, only less than 50 aristocracies survive the political changes. One of them …
Read MoreProfessor Matt Fitzpatrick
Email address: matthew.fitzpatrick@flinders.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: Flinders University Bio: Matthew Fitzpatrick is a Future Fellow and Professor of International History at Flinders University. His research is primarily on the German Empire, comparative imperialism and the history of German political and cultural history. He is the author of three books, Liberal Imperialism in Germany, Purging the Empire and The Kaiser and the Colonies. …
Read MoreDr Lorenz Gonschor, PhD
Email address: gonschor@hawaii.edu Institutional Affiliation: University of French Polynesia, Punaauia, Tahiti. Bio: Lorenz Gonschor was born in Germany, where he studied anthropology, history, and political science at the university of Tübingen. He obtained his MA in Pacific Islands Studies at the University of Hawai‘i in 2008, and a PhD in political science at the same institution …
Read MoreDr Carolyn Harris, PhD
Email address: carolyn.suzanne.harris@gmail.com carolyn.harris@utoronto.ca Institutional Affiliation: University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies Bio: Carolyn Harris received her PhD in History from Queen’s University at Kingston in Canada in 2012. She is an instructor in history at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies in Canada. She is the author of three books, Magna Carta and …
Read MoreEmeritus Professor Jenny Hocking
Name: Emeritus Professor Jenny Hocking FASSA Email address: Jenny.hocking@monash.edu Institutional Affiliation: Monash University Whitlam Institute at the Western Sydney University Bio: Professor Jenny Hocking is an award-winning biographer, Emeritus Professor at Monash University and inaugural Distinguished Whitlam Fellow at the Whitlam Institute, Western Sydney University. She is the author of three biographies including the acclaimed two-volume biography of Gough Whitlam, …
Read MoreMr Ellis Huddart
Name: Ellis Huddart Email address: ehudda01@student.bbk.ac.uk Institutional Affiliation: Birkbeck, University of London and Royal Museums Greenwich Bio: I begun working full-time on conducting research for my PhD titled ‘Floating palaces’ in October 2020 at Birkbeck, University of London in partnership with Royal Museums Greenwich. Prior to this I was an Exhibitions Curator for a university collection (Royal …
Read MoreProfessor Angma Jhala, D.Phil., Oxford; M.Div. and A.B, Harvard
Email address: ajhala@bentley.edu Institutional Affiliation: Bentley University Bio: Angma D. Jhala is a Professor of History at Bentley University. Her work focuses on Modern South Asia, with an emphasis on religion, politics, gender and material culture in nineteenth and twentieth century India. Her books include Courtly Indian Women in Late Imperial India (2008), Royal Patronage, Power and Aesthetics in Princely …
Read MoreDr Miranda Johnson
Email address: miranda.johnson@otago.ac.nz Institutional Affiliation: University of Otago Bio: I am a historian of the modern Pacific world with a focus on issues of race, indigeneity, sovereignty and citizenship. My first book The Land Is Our History: Law, Indigeneity and the Settler State (2016) examined the rise of indigenous rights claims in three settler states (Canada, Australia, and Aotearoa …
Read MoreAidan Jones, BA, MA
Email address: aidan.1.jones@kcl.ac.uk Institutional Affiliation: King’s College London Bio: Aidan Jones is a doctoral research student in the Department of Political Economy, King’s College London. His research lies in the field of diplomatic and political cultural history, as well as the history of the monarchy in the long nineteenth century. Jones is writing his thesis about Queen …
Read MoreDr. David M. Malitz
Email: malitz@dijtokyo.org Institutional Affiliation: German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tokyo Bio: David is a Senior Research Fellow with the German Institute for Japanese Studies in Tokyo, where he works on Japanese-Southeast Asian and particularly Japanese-Thai relations. He studied Business Administration and Japanese Studies at the Universities of Mannheim and Heidelberg in Germany, and received his …
Read MoreDr Jim Masselos, FAHA
Name: Dr Jim Masselos FAHA Email address: Jim.Masselos@Sydney.Edu.Au Institutional Affiliation: SOPHI, University of Sydney Bio: BA(Hons), University of Sydney; PhD (University of Mumbai Honorary Reader in History, SOPHI, University of Sydney, 2001- Author of numerous publications and honoured with festschrift volume, Bombay before Mumbai, Essays in honour of Jim Masselos, Oxford University Press, New York, and Hurst, London and …
Read MoreDr Cindy McCreery
Email address: cindy.mccreery@sydney.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: Department of History, The University of Sydney, Australia Bio: Dr. Cindy McCreery is Associate Professor in History at the University of Sydney. Her research focuses on monarchy and colonialism. She has co-edited 3 volumes in Manchester University Press’s Studies in Imperialism series, a Royal Studies Journal special issue and a forthcoming Oxford University Press volume …
Read MoreDr Alison Miller
Email address: ajmiller@sewanee.edu Institutional Affiliation: University of the South (Sewanee) Bio: Alison J. Miller is Associate Professor of Art History and Director of Asian Studies at the University of the South (Sewanee). She specializes in modern and contemporary Japanese art, prints and photography, and the intersections of gender studies and visual culture. Dr. Miller has published in …
Read MoreProfessor Anthony Milner, AM, FASSA, FAIIA, FRHistS
Email address: anthony.milner@anu.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: Emeritus Professor, CHL, College of Asia Pacific, ANU; Professorial Fellow, Asia Institute, University of Melbourne; Visiting Professor, Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya Bio: Formerly Basham Professor of Asian History at ANU (1994-2013) and Dean of Asian Studies (1996-2005); specialist on Malay history, and also Asian regional relations; theoretical interest in the …
Read MoreDr Priya Mirza
Email address: naik.priya@gmail.com Institutional Affiliation: Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi Bio: I work primarily on historicising sovereignty in colonial and postcolonial India, with a focus on the Indian princely states. I am interested in looking at technology, and how Indian princes carved a specific space in their engagement with new technologies. I am presently …
Read MoreProfessor Javier Moreno Luzon
Email address: jamoreno@cps.ucm.es Institutional Affiliation: Universidad Complutense de Madrid Bio: Javier Moreno-Luzón (Hellín, Spain, 1967) is Full Professor of History of Thought and Social and Political Movements at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he has been teaching and doing research since 1997. He has been assistant professor at UNED (Spanish Open University) and visiting professor or researcher …
Read MoreRachel Peat
Email address: rachel.peat@rct.uk Institutional Affiliation: Royal Collection Trust Bio: Rachel Peat is Assistant Curator of Non-European Works of Art at Royal Collection Trust. She is responsible for the research and display of 13,000 world cultures objects in the British Royal Collection, which are held by The Queen in trust for the nation. Her curatorial work spans 13 …
Read MoreDr Alessandro Pes
Email address: alessandropes@unica.it Institutional Affiliation: Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy Bio: Alessandro Pes is Lecturer in Contemporary History at the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Cagliari. He deals with the history of colonialism and decolonization, the history of Fascism and Monarchy in Italy. In the context of these …
Read MoreDr Jock Phillips, Ph.D., ONZM
Email address: shock@xtra.co.nz Institutional Affiliation: Free-lance historian Bio: 1973-90: Reader in History, Victoria University of Wellington; 1984-88: Director of Stout Research Centre for the study of New Zealand society, history and culture at Victoria University of Wellington; 1990-2002: Chief Historian for New Zealand Government; 2002-2014: General Editor Te Ara, the online Encyclopedia of New Zealand Author …
Read MoreEleanor Proctor, BA, MA
Email: eleanor.proctor@uha.fr Institutional Affiliation: Université de Haute-Alsace, France Bio: Eleanor Proctor is a PhD candidate at the Université de Haute-Alsace in Mulhouse, France and a member of the ILLE research lab. Her research interests are centered around the British republican movement and the British Monarchy since the reign of Queen Victoria. Eleanor’s PhD project tackles the …
Read MoreAssociate Professor Susie Protschky
Email address: susie.protschky@deakin.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: Deakin University, Contemporary Histories Research Group Bio: Susie Protschky is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow at Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia). She specialises in colonial Indonesia, the Dutch empire, and cultural histories of photography. Her latest book, Photographic Subjects: Monarchy and Visual Culture in Colonial Indonesia (Manchester University Press, 2019), won the 2020 Royal …
Read MoreAssociate Professor Ofita Purwani, ST.,MT., Ph.D.
Email address: o.purwani@staff.uns.ac.id; opurwani@nus.edu.sg Institutional Affiliation: Universitas Sebelas Maret Bio: Ofita Purwani is an associate professor in the Department of Architecture, Universitas Sebelas Maret. She received her PhD from the University of Edinburgh, and her master degree from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. In 2020 she was a visiting fellow at Yale-NUS College Singapore and a research fellow …
Read MoreProfessor Charles V. Reed, Ph.D, FRHistS
Email address: cvreed@ecsu.edu Institutional Affiliation: Department of Social Sciences, Elizabeth City State University Bio: I am a social and cultural historian of modern Britain and the British Empire, with particular interest in southern Africa, at Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina. I earned my Ph.D. at the University of Maryland where I studied with Richard …
Read MoreAssociate Professor Matthieu Rey
Email address: m.rey@ifporient.org Institutional Affiliation: French institute of Near East Bio: I pursued a PhD on Iraq and Syria during the 1950s (publication in 2021 at AUC Press) discovering the monarchy in colonial legacies. As CNRS researcher, I then conducted research on political and social history of the Middle East (mostly Egypt, Iraq and Syria) and …
Read MoreDr Hilary Sapire, FRHistS
Email address: h.sapire@bbk.ac.uk Institutional Affiliation: Department of History, Classics and Archaeology, Birkbeck College University of London Bio: I completed my undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Universities of Cape Town and Witwatersrand, South Africa, and am currently a Reader in Modern History at Birkbeck College, University of London where I have taught imperial, African and global …
Read MoreDr. David San Narciso
Email address: sannarcisomartin@gmail.com Institutional Affiliation: Department of Modern and Contemporary History, University of Valencia, Spain. Bio: Dr. David San Narciso is Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Valencia, Spain. His research focuses on monarchy, nationalism, and gender. He has published the monograph La monarquía en escena. Ritualidad pública y legitimidad política en el liberalismo español, 1814-1868 (CEPC, 2022). He has …
Read MoreDr Falko Schnicke
Email address: Falko.schnicke@jku.at Institutional Affiliation: Johannes Kepler University Linz Bio: Dr Falko Schnicke has been Senior Lecturer in Modern History at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) since 2020. Previously, he was a Research Fellow at the German Historical Institute London (UK) and at the University of Hamburg (Germany). He works on European and international history …
Read MoreDr Teresa Segura-Garcia
Email address: teresa.segura@upf.edu Institutional Affiliation: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Bio: Teresa Segura-Garcia is a historian of Modern South Asia based at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, where she is a postdoctoral researcher. She has a PhD in History from the University of Cambridge, with a dissertation on the global links of the Indian princely state of Baroda. She …
Read MoreMoritz A. Sorg
Email address: moritz.sorg@neptun.uni-freiburg.de Institutional Affiliation: Albert-Ludwig University Freiburg Bio: Moritz A. Sorg is a PhD candidate at the Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg. He graduated with a MPhil in Modern European History from the University of Cambridge in 2017. Currently he holds a position as Research Assistant at the Professorial Chair of Modern History at the University …
Read MoreProfessor Irene Stengs
Email address: Irene.stengs@meertens.knaw.nl Institutional Affiliation: Meertens Instituut/Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Bio: Irene Stengs is Professor by Special Appointment in “Anthropology of Ritual and Popular Culture”, at the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam and Senior Researcher at the Meertens Institute (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences). In her research, in Thailand and in the Netherlands, she focusses on popular …
Read MoreDr Naimah Talib
Email address: naimah.talib@canterbury.ac.nz Institutional Affiliation: Adjunct Senior Fellow, Political Science & International Relations Department, University of Canterbury Bio: Naimah Talib’s interest in Brunei’s monarchy grew out of her research on colonial administration and decolonisation in East Malaysia. A number of her articles have focused on the adaptability, resilience and survival of the monarchy in Brunei in …
Read MoreDr Filipa Vicente
Email address: filipa.vicente@ics.ulisboa.pt Institutional Affiliation: Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) of the University of Lisbon Bio: Filipa Lowndes Vicente (Lisbon, 1972), a historian, is a researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) of the University of Lisbon. In 2015 she was a visiting professor at King’s College, University of London and in 2016 at Brown …
Read MoreAglaja Weindl, MA
Email address: Aglaja.weindl@lrz.uni-muenchen.de Institutional Affiliation: Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (LMU) Bio: Aglaja Weindl studied History, Literature and Art History in Munich and Paris. She is now a researcher at the Chair for Modern History at Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich. Since 2018, she is a member of the joint DFG-SNF-research project “Lives in Transit” in cooperation with the University of …
Read MoreSue Woolmans
Email address: woolmans@aol.com Institutional Affiliation: Independent Scholar Brief Bio (max 100 words): I am the co-author of 2 books: 25 Chapters of my Life – The Memoirs of Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna & The Assassination of the Archduke – Sarajevo 1914 and the Murder That Changed the World I specialise in 19th century European and British royal …
Read MoreDr Brandy Jolliff Scott
Email address: b.jolliffscott@tcu.edu Institutional Affiliation: Texas Christian University Brief Bio: Brandy Jolliff Scott is an Instructor in the Department of Political Science at Texas Christian University. Her research and teaching interests are in the fields of international relations and comparative politics with an emphasis on British and European politics, modern constitutional monarchy, and the politics of …
Read MoreDr. Mu’izz Abdul Khalid, PhD
Email: Muizz.khalid@outlook.com Muizz.khalid@u.nus.edu Institutional Affiliation: National University of Singapore Bio: Dr. Mu’izz Abdul Khalid received his PhD in Southeast Asian Studies at the National University Singapore. He was a visiting fellow at the MacMillan Center of Yale University and the Department of Anthropology. He graduated from University College London in MSc Security Studies and the …
Read MoreProfessor Arianne Chernock
Email address: chernock@bu.edu Institutional Affiliation: Boston University Bio: Arianne Chernock is a Professor of History and Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Social Sciences at Boston University. She specializes in modern British history, with an emphasis on gender, politics and the monarchy. Her book on ‘The Right to Rule and the Rights of Women’ …
Read MoreM.A. Augusto Petter, EUI
Augusto Petter is a history Ph.D. researcher at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy,
Read MoreDr Harshan Kumarasingham
Dr Harshan Kumarasingham FRHistS Email address: Harshan.kumarasingham@ed.ac.uk Institutional Affiliation: University of Edinburgh Bio: Dr Harshan Kumarasingham is Reader in Politics and History at the University of Edinburgh. His work encompasses the political and constitutional history of Britain, the late British Empire and Commonwealth. Among his recent publications are Viceregalism – The Crown as Head …
Read MoreAnnie Treesa Joseph
Email: annietreesajoseph@gmail.com Institutional Affiliation: University of Kerala Bio: Annie Treesa Joseph is a Ph.D. scholar at the Institute of English, University of Kerala. She is the recipient of the Charles Wallace Fellowship (2022-23). Her doctoral research is an interdisciplinary study of rituals of queenship in colonial India. Annie is interested in colonial historiography and its points …
Read MoreEnzo Novello
Email address: enzonovello@gmail.com Institutional Affiliation: University of Coimbra Bio: Enzo Novello is a PhD candidate at the University of Coimbra, specializing in Modern History. His research revolves around queenship and the representations of power within the Brazilian monarchy, as well as the dynastic networks of the House of Braganza. He holds a Master’s degree in …
Read MoreAbout our feature image:
“Wardens’ meeting” oil on board, Grace Cossington Smith, 1943. Chau Chak Wing Museum UA2012.85.
University of Sydney Art Collection. Donated through The Hon R P Meagher bequest 2011.