Going Platinum Conference
‘Going Platinum: Australian responses to the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, 1952-2022’ An international online conference via ZOOM. 20-22 June, 2022

The year 2022 marks the 70th anniversary, or Platinum Jubilee, of Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne. Since 1952 the Queen has reigned over Australia as well as several other realms beyond Britain, and to this day serves as Head of State. For many Australians, Elizabeth II is the only monarch they have ever known, with her profile, name or initials. Seen every day on coins, banknotes, stamps, postboxes, hospitals and government documents. Ever since her blockbuster first Australian tour in 1954, Australians have flocked to see the Queen and her family members on numerous royal visits, and many have eagerly followed her progress here and elsewhere in the press. But these visits have also drawn protest and debate over Australia’s constitutional position. Republicans have argued that the monarchy is outdated, irrelevant and unrepresentative of our modern, multicultural nation, while some Indigenous Australians have appealed to the Queen to redress their legal, constitutional and social disadvantage.
From 20-22 June 2022, the Modern Monarchy in Global Perspective Research Hub will host an international online conference examining Australian responses to the reign of Elizabeth II in the period 1952-2022. The conference seeks to recover antipodean perspectives on the British monarchy, including Indigenous perspectives. The conference will explore three streams:
- Constitutional and political implications: What constitutional and political implications does the reign of Queen Elizabeth II have for Australia, both to date and in the future?
- Material Culture: How do individual objects, the everyday as well as ceremonial, tell the story of Australian responses to the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, 1952-2022?
- Media and Popular Memory: How have Australian individuals and communities ‘seen’ and responded to Queen Elizabeth II, 1952-2022?
Conference presentations will take the form of EITHER:
- 20-minute conference papers presented live on ZOOM in panels of up to three papers per panel
- Roundtable presentation of 3-6 presenters discussing ONE element of one of the above themes
Please send a 300-word abstract of individual paper proposals (500-word for panel or roundtable proposals) along with names, contact addresses and brief biographies of all presenters to Cindy McCreery at: cindy.mccreery@sydney.edu.au. Formal submissions closed on 1 December 2021.
Thank you to all who responded to our call for papers. We have received an excellent response. Please contact Cindy McCreery with any queries.
Image: National Museum of Australia https://collectionsearch.nma.gov.au/icons/piction/kaui2/index.html#/home?usr=CE&umo=23122963
Following the excellent response to our Call for Papers we are pleased to announce that the FINAL programme is now available. To download the programme, please click here.
You can also download the abstracts booklet, here.
Registration for the “Going Platinum” conference is now open.
You can register online via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/modern-monarchy-in-global-perspective-going-platinum-conference-tickets-301222082357
Please contact Dr Cindy McCreery with any queries regarding the conference registration or organisation.