Dr Bayu Dardias Kurniadi
Email address: bayudardias@ugm.ac.id Institutional Affiliation: Universitas Gadjah Mada Bio: I concentrate on the political economy of the Indonesian aristocracies. As a country with more than 17.000 islands, Indonesia’s aristocracy is fragmented with low level of institutionalisation. From hundreds of aristocracies in the 1950s, currently, only less than 50 aristocracies survive the political changes. One of them …

Dr Robert Cowan
bob.cowan@sydney.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: The University of Sydney Bio: Robert Cowan is Senior Lecturer in Classics at The University of Sydney, having held temporary posts at the Universities of Exeter and Bristol and Brasenose College, Oxford, and a Tutorial Fellowship at Balliol College, Oxford. My main teaching and research interests are in Latin poetry, though I …

Dr Eleanor Cowan
Email: eleanor.cowan@sydney.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: The University of Sydney Bio: I am an historian of the Roman Republic and the Early (Roman) Imperial period. I have a particular research focus on communities in conflict, conflict and post-conflict constitutional change and in constructions and reconstructions of imperial power. I make regular use of texts, epigraphic and numismatic …

Isabel Corrêa da Silva
Email address: isabelcorreadasilva@ics.ulisboa.pt Institutional Affiliation: Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon Bio: Isabel Corrêa da Silva is a research fellow at ICS, University of Lisbon, and a lecturer at the Master of Brazilian Studies (ICS, UL) and at the History Doctorate Program PIUDHist, in which Directory Board she also belongs. Her area of research is political …

Dr Susan Conway, BA, MA, PhD, FRGS, FRSA
Email address: s.conway@associate.ids.ac.uk Institutional Affiliation: Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex UK Bio: Major Interests: Northern Thai and Shan material culture. Author of books and papers on culture and royalty in Lan Na (north Thailand) and Shan State up to the dissolution of the regional courts. Professor, New School University, New York (Southeast Asian Studies), Lecturer …

Dr Laura Clancy
Email: l.clancy2@lancaster.ac.uk Institutional Affiliation: Lancaster University, UK Bio: Laura Clancy is a Lecturer in Media at Lancaster University, UK. She has research interests in class inequality, media representations, ‘the elites’, and power. Her book, Running the Family Firm: how the monarchy manages its image and our money, was shortlisted for the British Sociological Association Philip Abrams Memorial Prize. The …

Dr Donna Maree Brunero, BA(Hons), PhD
Email address: dbrunero@nus.edu.sg Institutional Affiliation: Senior Lecturer, Department of History, National University of Singapore Bio: Donna Brunero is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History at the National University of Singapore. Her research and teaching interests include maritime history and the British empire in Asia and the intersections between these two areas (such as colonial port …

Dr John Breen PhD
Email address: Jb8nichibun@gmail.com Institutional Affiliation: Professor emeritus, International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan Bio: John Breen is professor emeritus at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto, Japan. He earned his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Cambridge, and then taught Japanese at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University …

Susanne Bauer
Email address: bauers@uni-trier.de Institutional Affiliation: University of Trier, Germany Bio (max 100 words): Susanne studied History and Cultural Studies at Saarland University (Germany) and Sorbonne University (France). Currently, she is a research assistant at the University of Trier (Germany). In her PhD thesis she analyses the transnational correspondence network of German Empress Augusta (1811–1890) both quantitatively and …

Dr Bruce Baskerville FFAHS
Email: bruce.baskerville@uwa.edu.au Institutional Affiliation: University of Western Australia Bio: Bruce’s doctoral thesis (University of Sydney, 2017), titled The Chrysalid Crown, was a study over the longue durée of the Crown in Australia as a cultural institution and emotional focus between 1808 and 1986. Bruce’s research interests lie in how old institutions are transported, adapted, re-formed, re-imagined, transplanted and …