Dr. David San Narciso

Email address: sannarcisomartin@gmail.com

Institutional Affiliation: Department of Modern and Contemporary History, University of Valencia, Spain.


Dr. David San Narciso is Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Valencia, Spain. His research focuses on monarchy, nationalism, and gender. He has published the monograph La monarquía en escena. Ritualidad pública y legitimidad política en el liberalismo español, 1814-1868 (CEPC, 2022). He has coedited in Routledge the book Monarchy and Liberalism in Spain: The Building of the Nation-State, 1780-1931. He is now researching the political and gender role that male consorts played in the nineteenth-century Europe in a comparative perspective.

Current research projects on modern monarchy:

‘The Male Consort in the Liberal Spain, 1830-1870. Masculinity, Monarchy, and Public Respectability in an inverted power relationship’, Generalitat Valenciana under Grant [APOSTD/2021/328].

‘Gender Sensibility: Between Universalism and National Identity’, Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain under Grant [2017-787015].

‘Culture of Honor, Politics and Public Sphere in Liberal Spain (1833-1890)’, Ministry of Science, Innovations, and Universities of Spain under Grants [PGC2018-093698-B-I00].

Forthcoming, current, or recent research publications on modern monarchy:

Edited Books

Monarchy and Liberalism in Spain: The Building of the Nation-State, 1780-1931, co-ed. With Margarita Barral and Carolina Armenteros (London: Routledge, 2020).

La cuestión de palacio. Corte y cortesanos en la España contemporánea, co-ed. With Raquel Sánchez (Granada: Comares, 2018).

Journal articles

‘The influential women of Liberal monarchy. Gender and politics in the Spanish and British royal courts, c. 1830–60’, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 27/1 (2021), 79–96.

‘Being a nation through the crown. Banal monarchism and nation-building in Spain, 1833-68’, European Review of History, 27/4 (2020), 474–93.

‘La niebla constitucional de la corona. Las ceremonias políticas de la monarquía en el Estado-nación español (1808–1868)’, Historia y Política, 44 (2020), 219–49.

‘¿Una familia real en el trono de España? Ritualidad política y ceremonias dinásticas en la construcción del Estado Liberal (1833–1868)’, Hispania, 262 (2019), 359–87.

‘Celebrar el futuro, venerar la Monarquía. El nacimiento del heredero y el punto de fuga ceremonial de la Monarquía Isabelina (1857-1858)’, Hispania, 255 (2017), 185–215.

‘Viejos ropajes para una nueva Monarquía. Género y nación en la refundación simbólica de la Corona de Isabel II (1858-1866)’, Ayer, 108 (2017), 203–31.

Book Chapters

(with Margarita Barral and Carolina Armenteros), ‘Possible monarchies: the political and cultural modernisation of Spanish liberalism’, in Monarchy and Liberalism in Spain, ed. David San Narciso, Margarita Barral, and Carolina Armenteros (London: Routlegde, 2021), pp. 1–20.

‘The Ritual Problem in the Spanish Post-Revolutionary Monarchical Fiction (1833–1868)’, in Monarchy and Liberalism in Spain, eds. David San Narciso, Margarita Barral, and Carolina Armenteros (London: Routlegde, 2021), pp. 113–31.

‘Bajo el discreto encanto de la nación. La monarquía española en la Europa postrevolucionaria’, in Un rey para la nación. Monarquía y nacionalización en el siglo XIX, ed. Raquel Sánchez (Madrid: Sílex, 2019), pp. 21–44

(with Raquel Sánchez), ‘El fantasma de la corte. Rimas y leyendas de la influencia palaciega en la historia contemporánea española’ in La cuestión de palacio, ed. Raquel Sánchez and David San Narciso (Granda: Comares, 2018), pp. 1–19.

‘Palaciegas en los bastidores de la política. Los destinos femeninos en la Corte de los Borbones (1833–1885)’, in La cuestión de palacio, ed. Raquel Sánchez and David San Narciso (Granda: Comares, 2018), pp. 217–42.

Works in Progress

Journal article

‘The Bourbon ‘Dying’ Dynasty. The Diplomatic Role of Spanish Monarchy Throughout the Nineteenth Century’, Diplomacy & Statecraft, 10,000 word article submitted August 2021.

‘La invención del consorte real. La figura de Francisco de Asís de Borbón en el contexto de la Europa liberal’, Ayer, 8,000 word article accepted November 2021.

‘The crown in national disguises. The uses of monarchy’s historical past in Spanish nation-building, 1833–1868’, Nationalities Papers, 8,000 word article accepted February 2021.

Book Chapters

‘The domestic drama of Isabel II. Gender and public rituality in the Spanish monarchy’s (de)legitimation, 1833–1868’, in Charles Beem and Arianne Chernock, eds., Queens and Queenship in Modern Europe, 1789 to the Present, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022). 8,000 word chapter submitted October 2021.

‘The male consort in dispute. Ambiguities and political debate in the Iberian context (1830–1840)’, in Pierangelo Gentile, Isabel Corrêa and Miguel Metelos, eds., Images of Royalty in the 19th–20th centuries: Italy, Portugal and Spain (Editoriale Universitá degli Studi di Torino, 2022). 6,000 word chapter submitted September 2020.





Dr Cindy McCreery
Department of History, A18 Brennan MacCallum Building, University of Sydney