M.A. Augusto Petter, EUI

Email address: pettera@ceu.edu

Institutional Affiliation: Democracy Institute (Central European University, Budapest – Hungary)


Dr Augusto Petter holds a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, where he was awarded the Jacob Burckhardt Fellowship. He holds an MA in history from the Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He has experience researching modern monarchies, history of time, and philosophy of history. His current research centres on the exile and death of the Brazilian emperor and the aesthetic and temporal aspects of sovereignty.

Current research projects on modern monarchy:

Between Republic and Monarchy: Pedro II of Brazil and the political aesthetics of progress and democracy (1870-1891)

Forthcoming, current or recent research publications on modern monarchy:

PETTER, Augusto. The Imperial Meteor: time and velocity in Pedro II’s journey of 1876-77. Revista Acta Poloniae Historica (Warsaw), (In press).

ARMANI, Carlos Henrique; PETTER, Augusto. No Eclipse da História: Afonso Celso e o Pensamento Monarquista no Brasil em Fin-de-Siècle. Revista Expedições (Morrinhos/GO), v. 8, n. 3, set./dez. 2017.




Dr Cindy McCreery
Department of History, A18 Brennan MacCallum Building, University of Sydney